Moon Meditations &
Eight-Fold Year Celebrations
Imbolc also called Brigantia is a 3 day Fire Festival
from January 31 to February 3.
In calendars throughout the Northern hemisphere, this is the time
of one of the eight great festivals in the solar year. This one, midway between the December Solstice and the March Equinox,
is the feast of mid-winter -- best known in the west as Imbolc or Brigantia. The rites of fire and purification that are performed
now clear the way for the returning light and resurgent vitality of spring.
For an indepth study of Bridgit and Imbolc visit: http://www.druidry.org/obod/deities/brigid.html
The natural phenomenon at the root of Imbolc is thought to be the
visibly perceptive lengthening of daylight, and therefore the anticipation of spring; the alternate name for the day, Óimelc,
is thought to denote the time of ewes coming into milk, also a signal of spring. From earliest times Imbolc was associated
with Brigit, The pre-Christian
Irish goddess of fire, smithing, fertility, cattle, crops, and poetry the fire-goddess, and after Christianization
with St Brigid of Kildare, eventually becoming known as St
Brigid's Day. The saint, it should be pointed out, was often seen as the patroness of sheep, the pastoral economy, and fertility in general.
At 7:20 am rising above the horizon together - the New
Moon in Capricornus and Mercury in Sagitarious. The moon will not be at zero illumination
until 6:31 this night - when it will be below our horizon. At this time it's illumination is 0.2%. The
Sun and Mars rise together in Capricornus at 7:43 am
In the pm, the Sun and the New Moon set together at 4:53 pm and 4:57 pm.
This alignment with the Sun and New Moon setting at the same time will not occur again until May 2 2011.
For Full Moon ceremony location information contact:
Robert's House Location
For ceremony events and times contact Abigail at 250-587-6373
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